While browsing down the last aisle of the thrift store, we met.
Although he seemed tired and worn out, he had the most wonderful face.
Love at first sight!
He was missing an arm, wearing a dirty scarf, and an old rusted hat.

I could not resist, he went home with me that day!
Cleaned my new friend, sanded his dirty rough spots, gave him two new arms, a new scarf, a bit of paint for his hat, he was almost new!

I filled the old rusted can he was carrying, with winter greenery.
My new friend sits on a bench next to my kitchen door watching for signs of spring.

Love my $4.00 fence post snowman!
So happy we met in the last aisle on that day.
What fun!
A primitive treasure to be displayed in my home for many winters to come.
Life is amazing, we never know what wonderful things or people might come into our lives on any given day.
Love you all and everything wonderful in my life!
How cute Sister
You are amazing! I wish I had your talent. I really look forward to see your next blog.
Thank you! I love this snowman almost as much as I love the snowman pillow you made for me. I have enjoyed having it in my home every day this winter.