I love tea towels.
These days, they come in all manner of adorable designs.
When shopping I am always drawn to them!

Have you ever wondered what to do with those old tea towels?
Maybe you have some that are a bit frayed or stained, but you don’t want to just cut them up for rags.
Today I want to share some tea towel projects, using old and new towels.

The coffee cup, “Hello”, now hangs in my kitchen.
“Life is Better in the Country”, was made to give as a small thank you gift to someone special when visiting her home. She lives in a beautiful country setting. Perfect!
A black and white plaid towel was framed and turned into a kitchen tray, again using a thrift store frame, cleaned and painted.
Inexpensive, simple handles were added to complete.
I really love the simple and clean look of plaid, especially in a kitchen.

I used a lovely towel given to me by my sister, on Mother’s Day some years
The pillow required very little sewing, thank goodness since my sewing machine hates me!
Just folded the towel and stitched up the sides, leaving the front open to insert a pillow form.

It has that vintage look I love.
Women long ago would embroider on tea towels to show off their skills.
Love the idea of recycling or upcycling, so items can get a second or third chance at life.
Just starting my morning, so thankful, another chance today to love my life and all those who share it with me.
Thank you for letting me share this post!