My spring cleaning had an extra special purpose this year, co-hosting a bridal shower, with my sister, for her granddaughter.
Our sweet bride to be requested the shower be at my home, so I wanted everything special.
Today I am going to share some of the highlights.
I decided on a simple but elegant gold and white theme.
Decorations again were simple, using banners of white with gold glitter dots. So easy to make, using purchased card stock, gold ribbon, and a hole punch.
Once you decide on the size and cut out a template, simply punch holes on each end and run the ribbon through, under and over.
I used the banners everywhere as you entered my home, in the entry, on my dining room hutch, behind the table, our focal point.

Gold and white napkins found at Hobby Lobby were perfect, only embellished with the word “love” in script.
Our cake was simple as well, white on white, with dots. It was beautiful enough to be used as a wedding cake.
Since our cake was ordered plain with just the dots, we needed a cake topper to complete. I found this elegant gold cake topper on Amazon. Gold script, “love”. Perfect!
To bring in a little more gold I spray painted thrift store frames gold, framing photos and favorite sayings.
We served punch, both plain, and spiked with a bit of vodka. Serving punch was a must for me so that I could use my $3.00 thrift store punch bowl.
Isn’t is gorgeous? Seriously, only $3.00.
Served the punch in my stemless wine glasses along with gold and white straws. Although not shown in this photo, I made a fruit filled ice ring ahead of time which is always a must when serving punch.
We served a light lunch, small sandwiches, turkey, chicken salad, roast beef, and egg salad, also a colorful bowl of cut fruit, veggies and dip.
While we were all enjoying lunch we played a video, a “he said, she said” thing! We ask our bride questions and played the groom’s answers. It was so cute! Questions like, favorite song, movie, and what attracted you to each other.
At Christmas gatherings we have been playing a gift pass game, passing gifts when the words left and right are mentioned. My Sister wrote a sweet story of the bride and groom’s first meeting using the words left and right. Everyone selected a wrapped gift, some large, some small. Guests passed the gifts to the left and to the right, at the end of the story the gift you ended with was yours to keep. We did allow everyone one chance to steal another guest’s gift before the end.
Other games included, an ongoing Ring Game. Guest with the most “bling” won!
Who’s Got the Groom.
Using a template of a tuxedo, I added heads of famous people including the groom. Placed each one in an envelope with a gold glitter heart, opened at the very end of the shower, guest with the groom won!
Big Screen Romances.
Name the movie, the actress, and the actor. Guest with the most correct answers won a beautiful turquoise bowl for popcorn and of course, popcorn!
The last game was an older one used at many showers over the years, but we wanted to bring something sentimental to our shower so we used our Mother’s apron as a prop. Mother is with the Lord now, she was such a force of love in all of our lives, including our bride’s.
Filled the apron with many things, had our bride wear the apron walking around the room for a few minutes, guests then had to write down as many items as they could remember. The guest with the best memory won!
As our quests were leaving we gave favors as a “thank you”, hand soaps from Bath and Body Works, and a cute pack of embellished “tic tacs”, easy to make by printing on adhesive backed paper used to cover the Tic Tac logo.

Our shower was simple, elegant in ways, fun, and so very special for our bride. When love is involved special things happen, this shower was filled with love for my niece, my sister’s granddaughter.
The wedding is in a couple of days, the family is gathering, it is a wonderful time for all of us.
Love to all today, hope you enjoyed the highlights of this “love” filled shower.