Sharing a simple Easter project today using garden peat pots.

To complete this project you will need any craft paint, a sponge brush, Easter napkins or images, and Mod Podge.

The first step is to apply a coat or two of paint to the pots, depending on the look you want.

I personally like a bit of a distressed look, allowing some of the pot to show through.
The next step is cutting out the images for the pots.
I used some Peter Rabbit Easter napkins I found at TJ Maxx for $2.99, and some images I found online and printed out on tissue paper.
For this project thin paper works best.
Cut out your images leaving as little area around each one as possible.

Apply a coat of Mod Podge to the area on the pot that you want to apply an image, and smooth out with your fingers.
When you have finished applying all the images, apply a coat of Mod Podge over each image to seal.

That’s it!
I added grass to the inside of the pots and a piece of wire for the handles.
Simple is best for me, but you can embellish your pots in many ways, such as adding ribbon.
Now the fun begins, filling the baskets with goodies!

How sweet they are sitting around your home, as gifts, or one placed on each plate at the Easter dinner table.

If you are short of time, just a plain peat pot filled with something special would be so cute too!

Are you ready for a blessed Easter with your family?
Hope you all loved this Easter project, it really is the cutest ever!
See you all next time!