Day 18 – Being Mediocre

We all know that life doesn’t give us everything we strive for or dream about.

I have come to realize that I am a mediocre person!

Don’t be sad for me, I am really OK with saying that!

We all can’t be successful with all that we do, we all can’t be a Steve Jobs.

The most important thing to me is that I try.  I try doing new things in my life all the time, I have even applied for a patent!  No success with it, but I tried.

I have sent ideas to companies for new products hoping that just one might be picked up and successful.

This blog, even though I am not a “real writer”, making mistakes with spelling and grammar, as a “friend” pointed out, is something I wanted to do and I am trying to do my best.

We are not failures by trying, but by not trying.

None of us should ever stop trying to be better, that would be a sad thing.

I strive to be a better wife, mother, and housekeeper but there are days I just do not want to clean or cook.

Being mediocre isn’t laziness.

As long as we all try and don’t give up, doing the best job we can at everything, I think it is really OK to be mediocre.

Do your best today and everyday, let go of perfection, don’t beat yourself up!




Day 17 – Judging Others

I am really not a “star watcher” but all the talk in the past few days, on TV and the internet, has been about Renee Zellweger’s new look!

Speculation is that she had surgery.

She does seem to have a softer look and a thinner face.   Let’s not forget that she is getting older.  Regardless, in both photos I think she looks really good!

She spoke out and simply said, “I am very happy”!

To me that is it!

Find your “happy place” with your looks, your weight, your image, and just be happy!

I underlined your place, not the place others want you to be!

It has taken me years and years to know this, even at one point in my life wanting to hide when I had gained too much weight.  I stopped living.

Please don’t do this to yourself.  Find your “happy place” with your looks and stay there!

Shame on everyone else.

When will be ever stop judging others for the way they look?

Be happy today, love to all.


Day 16 – In an Instant! – Harlan County

Saw something on a news report yesterday that really got me to thinking about this life of ours.

The report was about Harlan County, Kentucky, a coal mining area, and also the place my mother and her family were raised.

The report was about the current push for closing all coal mines, and the many that have been closed in Harlan.

Coal jobs were the only good jobs for folks in this area.  The pay for miners over the years increased dramatically.  Raising a family, and giving them a good life was the way of life for the miners for many years. Unfortunately, everything has changed.  Changed “in an instant”.

As the report showed, miners were called in one day and told the mine was closed, and jobs gone.

There were interviews with miners and photos showing closings of business in the town.

This photo really hit home with me,

An older woman, probably my age, searching through a dumpster for food, or something she might sell to buy food, as reported in the news piece.

Seriously, all of our lives can change in an instant, without warning, for a number of reasons.  Sickness, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, false accusations, I could go on and on!

We really cannot take a thing for granted, not a single thing!

Love your family, build strong family ties, and build a relationship with God.

Here is the link if you want to take a look.  There are some parts, of course, that are politics and the upcoming elections, but showing Harlan, is the part I want to share.  Just scroll down to the section on Harlan.  This link is brief but you can find the entire report online.





Day 14 – “Wants”

I have written many times on how I am learning to appreciate all that I have, but I still struggle with wanting “things” that I see when I am out and about.

Before I started on my journey of discovering what loving life is all about, I would buy what I wanted, within reason, without hesitating.

I was an “impulse” buyer!

A couple of years back, I received an “exclusive” invitation in the mail, exclusive to me and thousands of other women, to come to a special sale, with 40% off everything, at one of my favorite women’s clothing shops.

Of course, I had to go!

After browsing around the entire shop a couple of times, I stood next to a beautiful, older woman, even older than me, looking at some nice, soft gloves, in beautiful colors.

As we were small talking about the colors, a younger woman came up to us and said, “Mom, do you see anything you want”.  The older woman replied, “Oh, I see many things I want, but nothing I really need”.

To this day I remember my encounter with the lovely woman.  Now when shopping, I try to whisper to myself, “do you really need this”?

I have also found that if I go back for a second look at something I thought I really wanted, it doesn’t look that good after all.

When I receive these “exclusive” invitations in the mail, I often wish I could run into this lovely person once again to thank her for her words.

Money is so tight for me and my husband since I have stopped working, but I am still able to buy a special “something” now and then, which is OK for all of us.

This colorful (boysenberry) jacket is my “something” at the moment.

Velveteen Utility Jacket

Love the color and the buttons.

I have always loved buttons, thanks to Grandma’s button box I remember searching through so many times as a child.

Right now I am waiting on the 50% off coupon before buying this jacket, who knows, maybe by that time it won’t look that great to me.

Remember my lovely older woman when you are shopping, she may help you as she has me!

Happy, enjoyable shopping to all of you!

Treats are good!

Day 13 – Clouds and Rainbows

Today I am going to give you all a gift.

I always loved Maya Angelou, her wonderful books, poems, quotes.

Here is a video she made on being a blessing to others.


Be someone’s blessing today if you can, it will bring you such joy!

Love to all.

Day 12 – Praying

Changing my life is work every single day.

Many days are difficult and I slip, but the most important tool for me now is prayer.

When I feel distress, pain, hurt, I pray.

Prayers do not need to be long or complicated, just start by calling His name.

Here is a quote I think of often when my life is so busy.

Meister Eckhart quote about gratitude

If you can do nothing more, thank Him!

We all have so much because of His love and goodness.


Day 11 – Forty-five Years

October 11th, our 45th wedding anniversary.

Me and Jim Wedding

Such a long time for a couple to be together.  Hard to find these days.

This world of ours is so full of things and temptations to make ourselves “be happy”, that sometimes we just throw away what we have, including relationships.

Marriage now days doesn’t carry the importance it should, couples do not try hard enough to keep the commitment made to one another.  Divorce is easy.  Get rid of the one you have and just pick up with another.

Our marriage has been so difficult over the years, neglect, going from having, to being dead broke, and now my husband’s illness.

The love we both have for our only child, our son, played a role, but we never ever through all the horrible and sad times mentioned the word “divorce”.

I love my husband more now than ever, he has always been there for me, even when I surprised and disappointed him with my actions.

We have peace together now, honesty, and joy, I finally realize I can tell him anything, without fearing his rejection.

My husband’s health is deteriorating everyday, but I will be there for him.

If you are fortunate enough to be married, or in a loving relationship, don’t throw it away, work on it, be with the one you love and the one who loves you, you will not regret it.

To have a happy life most of us need that special someone to love and care for!

I am so thankful to God for my husband, of 45 years, Jim.

Blessings to all of you and your love ones.


Day 9 – A Lesson From Beth

Years ago the ladies in my neighborhood played a silly dice game once a month, “Bunko”.

It was not about the silly game, but it gave us a reason to just get together for some laughter, food, and drinks.

We all made a big deal when it was our month to be the hostess.  Cleaning, so everything was spotless, deciding on which recipes to make for snacks, and the evening ending dessert.

This could be so stressful, wanting everything to be perfect hoping to get approval and compliments.

Why do women do this to themselves?

A fun time turns into a nightmare!  Instead of looking forward to your turn to be hostess you are just happy when the whole thing is over!

When we arrived at Beth’s home, her turn to be hostess, we all saw a less than perfect home, a little dust, and a little clutter.  Wow!  Not what we were all used to seeing!  Judging eyes looking all around.

To this day I remember what Beth said to all of us, “my baby girl wanted to play all day, she was so happy to spend time with me that I neglected a few things, I know you all understand”.

Did we?

I do now!

jimmy blk and wh eyes

Spending time with your children, those happy faces, those joyful moments, far more important than having a perfectly clean home to impress others.

I am still trying to be more like “Beth”, choosing the important, loving, things in life.