My last post highlighted a bridal shower given for my dear niece.  We celebrated the wedding this past week.

How wonderful it was for our family to be together at such a joyful time.

At the reception, music was playing and folks were dancing to all the usual crazy songs, including oldies.  I love to watch everyone dance.  It is obvious you don’t have to be a good dancer, you just get up and dance, do your own thing, and just have fun!

The DJ played a slower song and asked that all couples take to the floor.  As the music started my husband said to me “let’s dance, if you don’t mind me leaning on you a bit”.  So sweet!

He suffers from progressive MS, and he is getting worse as the months and years pass.

Walking is impossible without using a walking stick to steady his balance.

Our marriage has been far from perfect and he has not been the ideal husband, but every single time in my life I needed him, he has been there for me.

During this season of our lives we need one another more than ever.

I can’t see into the future, but with no cure for this disease, I thank God for this special opportunity, and ask Him not to let this be our last dance together.

Cherish special memories and moments in your life, I will cherish my husband leaning on me!

Love to all with a grateful heart.


4 Comments on Living With MS – Our Last Dance

  1. My dear sister, how very special it was for me to have witnessed the dance between you and Jim. The week was an emotional one for all of us wasn’t it? I can certainly speak to the fact that both our marriages have been less than perfect but our need for loved ones around us especially family is so important . Despite all the disappointments, all the mistakes. all the disfunction in our lives, one thing remains, our love for each other. May God Bless us with more dancing and celebrating even if we have to hold each other up to do it! Love you.

    • Thank you dear sister, I count on you so much, you have always been there for me and I know you always will!
      Love always.

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