“Living paycheck to paycheck”, a phrase we hear folks say from time to time.

This phrase has a kinda silly, crazy, meaning for me!

Money is so very tight for me and my husband since I stopped working.

Of course, having extra money is not the most important part of our lives.  That is why my decision to stop working to spend more time with my husband, as he deals with a progressive disease, was the right thing to do.

I am learning to do without a bunch of extra things.  It is really not so hard.

We are on a budget, but we both are allowed a bit of spending money each month, my husband saves his, I use mine for my hair, lunches out, thrift store visits and such.

So, at the end of each month, right before “payday”, I see what I have left.

If there is something beautiful I have been wanting, and my “end of the month money” allows, I treat myself!

This was my latest “end of the month money” purchase.

A beautiful canvas of an angel holding a baby.

The cost was $30 at Kirkland’s.

It was special to me when I saw it, reminding me immediately of the day my son was born, holding him in my arms for the first time.

I prayed to our Lord that day, “please send a special guardian angel to always watch over him”.

The colors are soft and lovely, I really love it!

The canvas has found a home above my painted gray, thrift store table.  So beautiful together.

Tuesday was the day before my monthly spending money was replenished!

I had $5 in my wallet, all was good!

Love you all!

May the angels watch over all of you, and those you love.

Have a blessed Sunday.



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