Since my husband’s Multiple Sclerosis is progressively getting worse, it is difficult for me to be away from home for long periods of time, falling is my greatest fear.
So working on small projects every day keeps me busy doing something I enjoy, and still keeping me close to him.
This, sometimes silly and crazy blog of mine, is another way I enjoy my time and stay busy.
I am not someone who can just sit all day.
I just cannot!
Getting up early is normal for me, but a short nap during the day is not out of the question.
Aren’t naps heaven?
I try to live each day keeping active, always being thankful for each day no matter what I am facing.
Today I thought I would share some of the simple small projects I have recently completed just by cleaning and spray painting.
A small wood plant stand, $3.00 at the thrift store, just needed a fresh coat of black spray paint.

It now sits on my front porch holding one of my favorite indoor plants.

After a long winter, my indoor plants need to enjoy the outdoors, those warm sunny days.
How amazing it looks surrounded by flowers with lots of color.
As you might have guessed from many of my posts, I love photos.
I love to have photos of those I love around me.
I never buy new photo frames, they can be expensive. The thrift store has so many for very little money.
Some are in boxes, never used, others just need cleaning and a fresh coat of spray paint.
I loved this frame from the moment I saw it! I knew immediately the photo I would place in it.
It was $2.00, but it was sale day at the thrift store, 50% off, only $1.00. Yes, the thrift store does have sale days every week!

To get the look I love, I sprayed painted the frame with Rustoleum, white chalk paint.
Love the way it turned out.
It now holds a very special photo of my beautiful niece and has found a place on a table in my living room. How lovely!

In this photo she is gathering tulips.
What a beautiful photo!

In this next project, I used a rolling pin I bought for only $1.50. I seriously do not think it was ever used.

I have wanted this rolling pin, pictured below, for so long. It is part of the Magnolia Home collection by Joanna Gaines sold at Target, but it is always sold out.

No matter now, I painted and sealed the handles on my $1.50 find, it is perfect.

This 50 cent, bright green tray, only needed white spray paint and some cute handles to become a sweet dresser tray.

Love the way it turned out, so clean, so bright.

Hope you all enjoyed my simple offerings today.
Hope you all get some creative ideas of your own from them.
Before I end I do not want you folks to think I am a prisoner in my home caring for my husband, I am not.
He encourages me to get out, he may like a bit of quiet time himself sometimes. Time without me constantly asking him, “do you need something” or “are you OK”.
I also have my wonderful son who will be with him so I can sometimes enjoy a weekend visiting my niece and her family in the country.
We spend days out together, fun days, with my sister and brother-in-law. They are so good to him.
I always know that things in life can always be worse.
We all need to stay busy, stay positive, and be thankful.
Love and hugs to all!