Saturday morning, with a throw wrapped around me, I sat at my kitchen table surrounded by old photos, colorful paper and envelopes, scissors, and fun stickers, remembering days so very, very long ago, when I made valentines.

With love in my heart I created simple cards for those who bring love into my life.
As I completed each one, I imagined a smile on their faces when they receive them.

Simply made by printing out old photos, and adding fun stickers.
So easy and inexpensive, yet so special because of the time and love I put into each one.

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for sweethearts, it is a day to let those you love know it!
After I completed my cards, I took a pack of $1 store white paper doilies, some yarn from my Momma’s sewing box, and made a simple banner. So very sweet hanging across my dining room cabinet.

Friends and family, watch your mailboxes, a smile and lots of love from me is headed your way!
Blessings and hugs!
Can’t wait! ❤️
Hope you like it, and I hope it makes you smile!