Every year I take many of my house plants outside on my back porch during the warm months.
We have had frost for many nights now, so I was happy that I had just finished a simple plant stand project.
Using an old drawer from the thrift store, legs purchased on Amazon, craft paint, and a sponge brush.

I removed the handle that was on the drawer, cleaned, sanded, and painted the drawer a lovely yellow.
Unfortunately, I changed my mind on the color and yes, I decided on white!
As you all know, I love white in my home.
Not really sure white is considered a “color”, but it is mine.

I replaced the ugly handle with one more my style.

Attached the legs, which was so easy to do, and this project was completed.

Love it!
It is perfect for my large Hoya plant I have had for many years.
Love the tri-color of this plant, and the pink shades that pop out from time to time.

I have a smaller Hoya plant that I placed in my small greenhouse, a project made from picture frames.

Hoya plants require very little care, just water and a little sun.
Love that I can move the stand from place to place.
Sunny window to sunny window.

If you are a thrift store or flea market shopper, never pass up an old drawer. There are so many projects that can be made using drawers.
Sadly, warm days appear to be coming to an end for this year.
I have already used my heated throw several times and gathered up all my warm socks, it’s time!
Yes, it is that time of the year.
Thanks for stopping by, be healthy, be happy, stay warm!
You are amazing!
No, you are amazing! Thanks for always reading my posts. Love You!
Love the plant stand. It is so cute.
It did turn out nice, I was pleased with it! Thanks for reading my blog and your comments. Hope we can get together again soon.