This post is not only for the birds, but also for my husband.
As I have written before, he suffers from Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.
He has deteriorated this past year.
Walking is impossible without some assistance from a walking stick, and now a rolling walker.
He never complains, but his activities are very limited.
Now that the weather has improved, our back porch is his sanctuary.
He reads, listens to music, puts his feet up for many afternoon naps, and loves to watch the birds in our backyard.
His binoculars are always around his neck when he steps onto the porch.
We have a birdbath, which draws many birds, so I thought I would add a bird feeder to hopefully welcome more to our yard for Jim to watch and enjoy.
I gathered some items that I had, a wood piece, an old tin pie pan, and a wood candle holder.

Cleaned and spray painted all with black paint.
Used screws to assemble, added a hook to the top of the wood piece, and jute to hang on a branch in our large backyard Maple tree.

I added seed, and the birds are gathering.
Pleased with it, especially that I just used items in my junk stash.

I found this $2.00 unfinished wood bird house at the thrift store.
It was in good condition except for a bad spot on the front.

Cleaned, sanded, and painted the house.
To cover up the bad spot I added a decorative knob.

You all know I love to use vintage looking knobs and handles to add a final touch to many of my projects.
Just a beautiful way to finish and complete an item.
Hobby Lobby has a very large selection, 50% off every other week.

I hope to find a special place nestled in a tree that some special little birds might love.

Hope to see some sweet little birds hop on the knob and into their new home.
Two simple, inexpensive projects, completed in just a day, that will hopefully give some joy to my husband, and our backyard birds he loves to watch.
Hope you all are enjoying the beautiful days of spring.