Well, the day I placed my new spring wreath on my front door, the temperature dropped 30 degrees, there was crazy wind, and oh so cold, but the calendar tells me it’s spring.

Today a short and simple post sharing a $1 thrift store find and a $2.49 hyacinth.
I was attracted to this odd shaped container right away, not only the shape, but the fact it was white.

Scrubbed the container and gave it a fresh coat of paint.
White, of course!
One of my local stores had a display of spring bulbs outside as you entered the store, some were already starting to bloom.
I chose a pink hyacinth for my new pot.

Oh how lovely my little spring project turned out.
Adding a bit of moss to the top finished it up.

For $3.49 I have a sweet spring and Easter piece for my home.
It brings spring inside with a lovely fragrance.
Simple as I said, in fact, there were two of these odd pots but I only brought one home, I’m now thinking I need the other one!
Hope it’s still there!