Yesterday, I made a small clock for my desk.
It was a crazy fun project.
Made with a can and a jar lid.
How cute was the outcome!

The only cost was the price of the clock’s working parts.
With my 40% off coupon at Michael’s, only $4.00.
Cleaned the can thoroughly, and drilled a hole for the clock hands.

Spray painted the can with several coats of white.
The jar lid was used as the base. I spray painted the lid with my favorite gold to match the color of the clock hands.

The last step was the assembly. So easy!

I really wanted a unique little clock to place in this area of my home, a place where I love to sit and write, surrounded by favorite things of mine.
It is a lovely spot, with lots of light, and three windows facing my backyard.
I love the tick-tock, tick-tock sound, especially in the mornings, when it is quiet before others are up and about.

Hope you enjoyed this crazy fun project.
Have a crazy fun day!
Love to all!