With the season changing I have been pulling out and dusting off all my decorations for fall and Halloween.
I wanted to add something new to my collection of white jack-o-lanterns this year, so I tried a project I have seen on many Pinterest posts, brown paper leaf garlands.
You just need brown paper from bags, wrapping paper, or cardstock, a hot glue gun, scissors, and wire, I used grapevine covered wire I found at Michaels.
I started by making two size oak leaf templates, which I traced on the brown paper.

The next step was fun for me because of my love as a child of cutting paper and paperdolls.
My box of paperdolls brought me so much joy.
Did you have paperdolls?
A wonderful childhood memory for me.
I cut several leaves out at a time, while watching TV, until I had a pile of about 30 or so.

My next step was to glue each leaf stem to the wire with my hot glue gun until I had the length I wanted.

I placed the garland on my family room mantel, and added my white jack-o-lanterns.

How cute!
Not my usual fall colors, but I love the neutral look

I glued a few leaves to some branches from my yard to fill in around the jack-o-lanterns.
If you didn’t want to make a garland, branches with paper leaves glued to them, could be used in many places around your home.

Of course, the little girl in me loved this project, hope you all did too!
Happy Friday!
Love and blessings to all.
Hey Sis enjoyed both of your last two posts. You make it sound so simple but I
just give up . 😂
Love you and talk to you soon! ❤️😘
Your craft skills are improving, never give up!
I think you really enjoy craft projects.
Looks great against the brick.