I love Valentine’s Day.
I love that this is a special day set aside to tell those in your life just how much you love them.
I love that it is a day for couples to show their love in sweet, loving, and romantic ways, but most of all I love this special day to let my family and friends know how special they are to me.
I love to make cards and send simple gifts, or call, or text, just to say “I love you”.
I love to decorate just a bit for this day, and today I want to share how I turned a dollar store wood frame into something special.

I love how easy and fun it was to update a simple wood frame with just paint, glue, and some flat wood buttons glued around the heart opening.
The flat wood buttons were $1 a pack at Hobby Lobby, I used two packs.
Using a sponge brush I painted the entire frame, front and back, with white paint.
When dry, I started gluing the buttons around the heart opening using E6000 glue.

When the buttons were completely dry and secure, I painted them and gave the entire frame one more coat of paint.

I love the finished frame, especially when I added a photo of me and my sweet husband taken on our wedding day 54 years ago.
It is certainly a special frame for Valentine’s Day.

I love you all for stopping by today, please remember to say “I love you” to all those close to you tomorrow.