Quietly sitting in my living room, just me, in front of my beautiful Christmas tree, looking at photos of a niece I did not know for 21 years.

For Christmas she sent me an album filled with photos of her 22 years of life. Oh my goodness, it is wonderful, so wonderful.
On the back of each photo she wrote of her life, her family, and so much more.

How beautiful she is, inside and out.

I now know that fall is her favorite season, that sunflowers and roses are her favorite flowers. She loves flowers.
She hates birthday cake, birthday cookies, her choice.
She has a horse named J.N. and is accomplished in riding and competing.
That her grandfather somewhat taught her to play “Amazing Grace” on the mandolin.
There is so much more she shared on the back of each photo in this album.

Tears come when looking at her photos, how I wish I had been part of her life growing up. To take her shopping, to spoil her, to love her.
Tears of joy and sadness.
A perfect gift, one she took much time to put together.
How thankful I am for this gift, and for my beautiful niece.
Thank you for this special Christmas gift, I will cherish it always.
Thank you with all my love.