I’m an old woman.
Old age came on slowly, I hardly noticed.
Now I look in the mirror and I wonder how I got this way.
My life now is pretty well set, this is it!
Saying goodbye to friends and family happens much to often these days.
So very sad.
Of course, there are happy days, those spent with family, my wonderful son, my sister, my nieces, but as we age things become difficult, driving, the fear of falling, and so much more.
Having family is so very precious to me at this time of my life.

Unexpected joy, unexpected miracles are few.
In the past few months God sent us unexpected, unbelievable joy!
A new family member has entered our lives, lost to us for years.
So beautiful, so good, so happy, and so full of life.

Oh my! My heart is smiling, bursting with love.
I pray we meet someday soon, before this life of mine is all used up.
Our family is so grateful to God for this unexpected joy!
On this Sunday, never give up on believing all the things God can do to renew our lives with miracles and love.
Love to everyone on this day.