Month: March 2022

Old Tray to Amazing

Hi folks!

I love my adventures at the thrift store.

Digging through stacks of treasures hoping I will find that something I can turn into a wonderful piece of my very own.

Sometimes I see an item for a great price and just bring it home, not knowing what in the world I will do with it.

This was one of those items.

Until I saw this photo.

I love these trays, I would love to have them, but they are $75.00 for both.


Well, that was not going to happen, and then I remembered that old tray in my garage stash.

It was pretty scratched up so I sanded it several times.

Gathered the right size wood beads, and 4 wood pieces for legs, found at Hobby Lobby.

Painted the tray, and when dry, I used E6000 glue to add beads all around the inside edge of the tray.

When the beads were dry and secured, I painted the beads, the tray, and the legs, with several coats of paint.

Not exactly like the $75.00 ones, but pretty darn close.

Love the final results of this project.

It really is amazing when you look back at that beat up old tray I started with.

I am sure my decorative tray isn’t the quality of the ones shown in the photo, but the fact I could take something someone discarded, and turn it into something beautiful, gives me so much joy.

Have you been thrifting lately?

Hugs, until my next post.

DIY Lantern Using Photo Frames

First of all, you all know just how much I love a really good DIY project.

That is exactly what I will be sharing with you today.

A lantern made from Dollar Tree photo frames, and some inexpensive wood plaques, from Hobby Lobby.

These frames, with the little detail around the edges, did prompt me to try this project.

To start, I removed the backing and glass from the frames, and painted them.

Although they were already white, I used white chalk paint so I would have a uniform finish on all pieces of this project.

When dry, using E6000 glue, I glued the frames together, one by one, making a box.

After an hour or so, when I knew the frames were secured, I replaced the glass using a bit of E6000 glue along the inside of the frames.

Paint all the wood plaques after sanding any rough spots.

Play with the sizes of plagues you use to get the look you want.

I used two plagues on the top, one smaller than the other, and one for the base.

To finish, I glued the two plaques for the top together, and screwed on a gold handle before gluing to the frames.

I love a little gold on my white pieces.

You will notice on the bottom, I placed a plague but did not glue it to the base, so I will have access to the inside of the lantern.

I love the simple look of using a white candle, but there are so many ways to decorate a lantern, especially for each season.

Be sure that you always use battery operated candles in this lantern.

My lantern is clean, bright, and simple.

It’s beautiful!

Lanterns can be used in so many ways, in almost every room, painted in the colors you love.

If you are looking for a DIY project for spring, this would be a good one.

Gather up some frames, have some fun!


Spring Brings Hope

“Wait. Be Patient.

The storm will pass.

The spring will come.”

-Robert Shuller

It has been a tough five months, but we have made it through all the tests and doctor appointments, CT scans, and my husband’s three surgeries.

The outcome is positive and we are very hopeful.

Taking one day at a time, we survived the dark winter days.

Today, I know spring is on the way.

Just as the crocus come through the snow, our lives are showing signs of spring.

Yes, spring is coming.

Saturday we sat outside together on our crooked back porch.

The weather was 73 and beautiful.

Hopefully, just the beginning of warm days.

I also spent some time working on bringing a bit of spring into my home.

Using frames I already had, I simply printed out copies of spring flowers I found on Pinterest, beautiful cherry blossoms.

My sweet brother was the inspiration for this project.

When he texts me he attaches photos of flowers, all kinds, all colors.

It took very little time to finish this project, and now I have added spring colors and brightness to my living room.

Artwork is pricey, this is an inexpensive way to change art in your home.

Folks, we made it through five months of living in fear, but it is over.

Spring is coming and bringing with it hope.

Love to all for your prayers.

Until next time.