Month: January 2022

Heart Button Pillow

Sunday was my birthday!

It was snowing, and with Covid crazy in my state, celebrating out was not an option.

So I spent my day with my son and husband, inside, by the fire.

We celebrated with warm brownies and ice cream, yummy!

Decided to start a project that has been on my list of things to try, a heart pillow, using old buttons.

I love old buttons!

My Momma and Grandmother both had button boxes.

I don’t think they ever discarded an old worn out garment without removing the buttons first.

Using a plain small pillow cover, old white and cream colored buttons from my stash, a heart template, and a hot glue gun, I started.

I traced the heart on the pillow and started gluing on the buttons.

One by one I glued the buttons around the heart pattern.

I continued gluing buttons until the heart was full.

It was like putting a puzzle together, choosing the right button for each spot.

I was totally amazed just how great the glue worked.

This is going to be a decorative pillow with little or no use, so I felt good about using glue.

No way could I sew on each one!

I tried pulling the buttons off and it was very hard to do.

To fill in some gaps I even glued a second layer of buttons in spots.

A birthday gift to myself.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Look at the yellow pillow on my sofa, see the buttons, love them.

It was a great birthday, lots of love and heartfelt messages from friends, and my beautiful family, I love them all so much.


A Winter Craft on a Cold Day

We had our first bit of snow this past week and the temps have been so very cold.


On one of these stay inside days I tried a snowman project that I have seen on Pinterest for many winters, painting a cute snowman face on burlap.

I had all of the items needed.

A thrift store frame, a piece of burlap, scissors, Mod Podge, craft paint, and brushes.

I cut a piece of burlap to fit the glass on the frame, added a coat of Mod Podge to it, and then the burlap piece. This holds the burlap in place and stops it from fraying on the edges.

I drew a snowman face on the burlap and painted.

First the white for the face, and then the black hat.

I drew the mouth with a black marker, added a nose, and of course painted it orange.

When completely dry I added a piece of ribbon to the hat and two button eyes.

Pained the frame black to finish up the project.

Seriously, how cute is he?

Just perfect to keep out during the winter to hang in a special small space.

I have a confession about this project that I want to share.

When I had finished the entire piece, I somehow dropped black paint on the burlap, so to cover up my boo boo I added another piece of plaid ribbon across the burlap to hide my paint accident.

Is that being creative? I don’t know, but it saved all my work and my sweet snowman project.

Love my snowman burlap picture. It was so much fun!

Hope you all stay warm.

Until my next post!


It was Merry and Bright

Christmas is over for most folks after the new year, but I leave all my decorations and tree up until January 6th, the end of the twelve days of Christmas.

Did you know that the twelve days of Christmas are actually after Christmas?

It is believed that January 6th is the day the Three Kings arrived at the stable to honor Baby Jesus with gifts.

With all the worries with my husband’s illness I have not shared any of Christmastime in my home.

It was downsized in many ways, but I tried to make it all “Merry and Bright” for my family.

This year only one tree, a smaller one.

I decided to go with what I really love, traditional red and my favorite ornaments, the simple ones.

I added frosted berry picks and pine cones to a wreath and garland I have had for years.

I love adding lighted garland across the taller pieces of furniture in my home.

The only new item I added this year was this Santa canvas I hung just inside my kitchen doorway to welcome everyone.

So wonderful, I love it!

Off to the side you can see the white Santa mugs we have enjoyed hot cocoa in throughout the season.

One of just a few projects I had time to complete this year was these paper mache drawers from Hobby Lobby purchased last year.

Painted them white and added whimsy stick on numbers to each drawer.

To finish it off I glued a snow covered house and tree to the top.

It turned out beautiful, a Christmas keepsake for sure.

We enjoyed opening a drawer every night, some filled with Christmas memories to talk about, or tiny family Christmas photos to enjoy, and even some chocolates for after dinner.

Remember this beaded tray I made this past year, such a warm feeling filled with votive candles this time of year.

Thank you for letting me share some of my Christmas, late as it is.

I tried to make our home “Merry and Bright” even with our worries.

We love Christmas and I know that as long as I can I will fill our home with as much joy of the season as I can.

I pray you all had a blessed Christmas season and have the happiest new year.