Month: June 2021

Tomato Cage Projects

Yes, you read the title correctly!

Crazy, but I used old tomato cages to make some outdoor projects.

So simple!

If you do not have lots of money, like me, or do not want to spend too much money on your porch, patio, or yard area, these projects are for you!

After I cleaned the old cages, I spray painted all white.

This first one is amazing, just place the tomato cage in the ground and add a large plastic bowl to the top ring for a birdbath.

I used a beautiful floral bowl I purchased at Dollar General last year for $3.00.

It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

For the next two projects I used wire cutters to remove the straight wires, the wires that go into the ground and turned the cage upside down. The larger ring on the bottom.

On this one, I added a large wood piece, purchased at Home Depot, painted it, and attached to the wire base for a simple patio table.

It fits great between two chairs.

Not so overwhelming as other tables.

This last project, so simple, just place a plant in the top ring for a plant stand.

Planning to put one on my small front porch to hold a basket of colorful flowers.

I know there are different cages, some a heavier gauge than others, but for these projects I just used $1.97 cages I purchased at Walmart last year.

I also saw some cages that are already painted bright summer colors.

Have fun with these projects, get your outside areas ready for the summer ahead.

Till next time, blessings.

Old Table Leg Planter

It seems like most of my recent posts are about summer, a birdbath, a birdhouse, and a bird feeder.

But of course, summer is just beginning, and being outside is here!

Today I want to share one of my favorite projects, a planter made from an old table leg, a scrap piece of wood, and an old wood box.

After painting all the pieces, I used wood glue and wood screws to attach the 4 x 4 wood piece to the leg.

As I do so many times, I added a decorative knob to the box to give the planter a finished look.

When completely dry and set, I used screws to attach the box to the leg and wood piece.

I dug an 8 inch deep hole next to my back porch, and back filled the dirt around the leg and tamped it down.

Decided on red geraniums and vinca vines to fill my planter.

It is beautiful!

So unique!

Of course, I love it!

So hard to believe that this is what has come out of an old table leg, a scrap piece of wood, and a wood box.

Hope you all are getting ready, finishing outdoor projects, planting flowers in pots for your porch or patio, so that you can sit and enjoy summer and being outside

Hugs, until next time.