Month: May 2021

A Gift From Momma

Tiny stitches, each one made by hand.

Thousands of them.

Made by my Momma.

This quilt, a gift to me, made with so much love.

She has been gone for years, but she is with me, always in my heart.

I cherish this beautiful gift.

Oh my, the time she spent cutting out each piece, sewing each together, and quilting, always with her thimble on her finger, amazing!

There is so much I would love to say and ask Momma today.

How happy I would be to just hug her today.

If your Mother is still with you, spend time with her today, talk to her, love her and tell her.

Just be with her.

Store up precious memories, you won’t regret it.

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms today, and to my Momma in heaven.

A Fun Cinco de Mayo Table Idea

Most of you know that I love to do a little extra something on special days.

Look at this cute Cinco de Mayo idea using a Mexican hat as the centerpiece on your table.

I filled it with bowls of queso, salsa, and pico de gallo, with tortilla chips in between.

So festive without a bunch of planning or expense.

Cute isn’t it?

Hope you all are doing something special on this day, at least have tacos or enchiladas for dinner!

Enjoying these simple, maybe silly to some, special days, is part of what enjoying life is all about to me.

Enjoy this 5th of May.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

DIY Kitchen Utensil Holder

Last Thursday was a cold, rainy, and very windy day.

A miserable day in Ohio.

I could not work in my yard, and it was just too dark in the house to clean.

Nothing else to do but to turn a large flower pot into a kitchen utensil holder.

I bought this terracotta flower pot at TJ Maxx’s for $6.99, loved the details.

Kinda reminds me of dandelion puff balls.

A flower pot wasn’t something I needed, but how wonderful it could be in my kitchen to hold all the large kitchen utensils I have.

I painted it with two coats of white chalk paint, inside and out.

When it was completely dry I sprayed with a matte sealer.

That was all I had to do to turn it into this wonderful utensil holder.

There are lots of holders out there but they never seem to be large enough.

Lots of room in this pot, and an eye catcher in my kitchen.

Just a perfect rainy, windy, cold day project.

Love it, and I love all you folks who take the time to read my blog.
