Month: April 2021

For The Birds

This post is not only for the birds, but also for my husband.

As I have written before, he suffers from Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.

He has deteriorated this past year.

Walking is impossible without some assistance from a walking stick, and now a rolling walker.

He never complains, but his activities are very limited.

Now that the weather has improved, our back porch is his sanctuary.

He reads, listens to music, puts his feet up for many afternoon naps, and loves to watch the birds in our backyard.

His binoculars are always around his neck when he steps onto the porch.

We have a birdbath, which draws many birds, so I thought I would add a bird feeder to hopefully welcome more to our yard for Jim to watch and enjoy.

I gathered some items that I had, a wood piece, an old tin pie pan, and a wood candle holder.

Cleaned and spray painted all with black paint.

Used screws to assemble, added a hook to the top of the wood piece, and jute to hang on a branch in our large backyard Maple tree.

I added seed, and the birds are gathering.

Pleased with it, especially that I just used items in my junk stash.

I found this $2.00 unfinished wood bird house at the thrift store.

It was in good condition except for a bad spot on the front.

Cleaned, sanded, and painted the house.

To cover up the bad spot I added a decorative knob.

You all know I love to use vintage looking knobs and handles to add a final touch to many of my projects.

Just a beautiful way to finish and complete an item.

Hobby Lobby has a very large selection, 50% off every other week.

I hope to find a special place nestled in a tree that some special little birds might love.

Hope to see some sweet little birds hop on the knob and into their new home.

Two simple, inexpensive projects, completed in just a day, that will hopefully give some joy to my husband, and our backyard birds he loves to watch.

Hope you all are enjoying the beautiful days of spring.

Broken Pot Wind Chime

On my last post I showed some thrift store items that I was able to restore, items someone tossed away.

Well, today I am sharing one of my almost thrown away items, one that I was able to reuse, to make something pretty wonderful.

I have always loved this pot.

Loved the distressed look.

Unfortunately, as I did with my birdbath, I left it out all winter and the bottom cracked and came off.

As I was about to pitch it, I thought again.

Is there any way I could reuse it?

I thought of a wind chime I saw at Hobby Lobby that used an upside down ceramic pot. I loved it, but not for $39.99.

Using a $2.00 round wood piece and some silicone, I attached the wood to the bottom of the pot.

Applied the silicone generously, inside and out.

Attached a hook to the top of the wood, and also a hook on the inside.

Found an inexpensive bell chime that I planned to hang from the inside hook.

Painted the bells and beads turquoise, and I also painted and added some extra beads to the top.

Used some fishing line to hang the wind chime.


It is really nice.

Whatcha think?

Love the soft sound of the bells when the wind blows.

Perfect hanging on our back porch

Think before you throw away items.

Look for the potential in everything you think you don’t need anymore, have some creative fun reusing.

Until next time, blessings.

Three Step Projects #3

Today I will be sharing a few thrift store or flea market finds that require 3 steps or less to complete.

I found this cute little box at the thrift store for $2.00.

Unfinished wood, with white ceramic drawer fronts.

Cleaned it, inside and out, sanded, and painted.

I also added at piece of scrapbook paper to line each drawer.

My plan is to use this piece in my craft area.

Maybe a place to store all the old buttons I have collected over the years.

I remember my Grandma had a large button box, I loved looking at all the different colors and shapes. I often wonder where her box is today.

This second project required very little work.

I had a beautiful turquoise birdbath a few years ago, but unfortunately, I left it outside during the cold months, and the bowl cracked.

At first I thought of trying to make a lamp using the base, but a lamp is not really needed.

So I found a plate at the thrift store for 50 cents, the exact color of the base, and decided I would try to use the two pieces to create a plant stand for our back porch.

After cleaning both pieces, I attached the plate to the base using E6000 glue.


The color is perfect with the pillows I am using this season on our porch.

This last project only required cleaning.

It was a bit expensive for a thrift store purchase at $5.00, but I have seen this piece for as much as $39.00 in stores.

So many uses, but I see flowers, small pots of colorful Impatients, or maybe a centerpiece at a summer cookout filled with utensils, napkins and such. Or maybe as a caddy on my potting bench to hold garden tools.

A fortunate find, love this piece.

I am hoping that these simple projects might inspire you to visit a thrift store or flea market, or now with the warm weather coming, some local yard sales.

How rewarding it is to use something you might have thrown away, or find someone’s throw aways and upcycle them with very little work.

Thrifting is a great hobby too!

Good thoughts to all on this beautiful spring day.

A Blessed Easter

Wishing all a blessed Easter on this holy day.

Maybe some of you are blessed to be together with family and friends today.

Ours will be small. just me, my son, and husband.

So very blessed and thankful to be together again this year.

It has been a tough year for all of us.

We will certainly enjoy our food, and I am sure my son will still, as old as he is, enjoy the Easter basket I made for him.

Just something Mom’s will always do for their children, no matter their age.

We will use this day to reflect on our risen Savior, pray, know Him, believe, and love Him, “He is not here, He has risen”.


Are You Ready for Easter?

Easter is tomorrow, are you ready?

Did you decorate your home with a bunny or two, some beautiful eggs, some Easter flowers?

Have you colored some eggs, made a few cards, put together some Easter baskets for those special ones in your life?

I think I’m ready except for finishing up on my Easter dinner table.

Menu planned from salad to dessert.

Selected the dishes, tablecloth, and napkins, but just needed a little something to place at each plate.

Using some small peat pots, craft paint, and the same floral napkins I used for my decoupaged eggs, I made favors for each place setting.

Painted the pots, and added flowers with Mod Podge.

When completely dry, I glued a wire handle to the inside of each pot, and added some grass.

Just need to add some Easter chocolates.

I’m ready!

Ready to celebrate the holy day of Easter with my precious family, just the three of us, at our kitchen table.

Blessed to be together.

Blessed to have all that we have because of Him.

Love to all during these holy days and always.