Month: February 2021

Love is Kind…Love is Patient

Life can sure be stressful.

Some days are especially difficult for caregivers.

As a caregiver, I some days forget the way I should be, it can be so hard.

In the bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4 talks about love, describing it in many ways.

Everyone should take time to read this.

There is a project I have been wanting to try, yesterday was the perfect day for it!

Using a blank inexpensive canvas, I traced around a wood shaped heart on the canvas.

Followed up with placing stick on letters around the heart, “Love is Kind…Love is Patient”.

Painted the entire canvas, including the letters, with two coats of white paint. Sorry I forgot to take a photo of this step!

When completely dry, I very lightly painted gold on the letters.

I really wanted the gold to be soft, not harsh, as the letters were out of the package.

A sweet reminder of something we all need more of in our lives, kindness and patience.

“Love” this project, it is especially nice for this upcoming Valentine’s Day.

I plan on placing my canvas in my home where I can be reminded just how much my husband struggles.

Just to walk a bit, takes so much out of him.

He has put up with me for 51 years.

I think that after 51 years of putting up with all my shenanigans, the least I can do is show him love and patience every single day we are together.

Love to all of you folks.

Baking heart cookies today, I hope they turn out as beautiful as I want them to be!

A Cute and Simple Valentine’s Day Table Idea

It has been oh so cold here, hot cocoa everyday.

Today it is snowing, lots of it!

Spent time these past few days putting up a few Valentine decorations and making some cards and crafts.

So funny that as a child I never liked Valentine’s Day, but love it now!

In grade school we would all walk around the room and lay cards on the desks of our classmates.

My fear was that I would return to very few cards placed on my desk.

It happened, and I was crushed.

On a happier note, and making happier memories, today I thought I would share a Valentine’s Day idea that anyone can do to celebrate a bit.

All you need is a red table napkin folded 4 times to form an envelope.

Fold each side to the center, one over the other, and then fold up twice from the bottom to form the shape of an envelope.

Fold the flap down, and it looks exactly like a red envelope!

Don’t you think it is so cute?

You could place a simple greeting inside for those you love, or maybe a sweet treat, heart chocolates, or a Valentine cookie.

So simple, a surprise for those you love when they come to the table.

Valentine’s Day for me is telling and showing all the special folks in my life that I love them.

Show them in special little ways.

It’s LOVE day!

Until next time, with love and blessings.