Month: December 2020

A Special Christmas Gift

Quietly sitting in my living room, just me, in front of my beautiful Christmas tree, looking at photos of a niece I did not know for 21 years.

For Christmas she sent me an album filled with photos of her 22 years of life. Oh my goodness, it is wonderful, so wonderful.

On the back of each photo she wrote of her life, her family, and so much more.

How beautiful she is, inside and out.

I now know that fall is her favorite season, that sunflowers and roses are her favorite flowers. She loves flowers.

She hates birthday cake, birthday cookies, her choice.

She has a horse named J.N. and is accomplished in riding and competing.

That her grandfather somewhat taught her to play “Amazing Grace” on the mandolin.

There is so much more she shared on the back of each photo in this album.

Tears come when looking at her photos, how I wish I had been part of her life growing up. To take her shopping, to spoil her, to love her.

Tears of joy and sadness.

A perfect gift, one she took much time to put together.

How thankful I am for this gift, and for my beautiful niece.

Thank you for this special Christmas gift, I will cherish it always.

Thank you with all my love.

My DIY Christmas House

Every year Hobby Lobby has a section of Christmas crafts, ornaments, kits for children, and so much more.

At the end of last Christmas season I found this unfinished paper mache house.

I am sure they once again carry them, I just haven’t shopped much this year.

I painted the house several coats of craft paint, white with a gray roof.

Love the look, but decided to add a bit of something else, shiny snow!

Painted the house with a thin coat of Modge Podge and then sprinkled on the snow, and let it dry.

I used a Martha Stewart brand of sprinkle snow.


Glued a small wreath at the door, and added a battery operated candle inside.

It now sits on my kitchen counter along with some snow covered trees.

There’s a warmth it brings to my kitchen.

For as long as I can remember I have loved little white houses.

I have collected several small white ceramic ones over the years, still looking for a little white church.

Maybe this is the year I find one, or maybe, just maybe, Santa will bring one for me!

I suppose I see our homes as a huge part of Christmas, a place we make special for those we gather with and love.

Hope you all are finding some time to work on a Christmas craft for yourself or others.

Enjoy this season with love.

Christmas Memories

Yesterday was a cold, windy, and snowy day.


Our first snow of this year.

It was a perfect day to stay in and work on a Christmas project.

I put together a sweet box of cards, let us call them Christmas memory cards.

One card for each day from today until Christmas Day.

I printed the cute, colorful cards out on my home printer, found them on Pinterest.

Love the whimsy winter pattern.

On the back of each card I typed a Christmas season related question.

Questions about remembering.

Remembering childhood at Christmas.

I have so many regrets that I didn’t ask my Momma questions about her Christmas days growing up poor in Kentucky.

Poor or not, knowing my Grandmother, I am sure she made Christmas for her children as best she could.

So each night at supper, I am going to read a card.

Allowing me, my husband, and son to recall old Christmas memories.

I placed them all in a bright box I found at Hobby Lobby for $2.00 with the 50% off sale.

Can’t wait for supper tonight so that my little family can talk about their Christmas memories.

I sure hope my son’s are special.

Hope you all loved my snowy day project as much as I did putting it together.

Stay warm, enjoy every single day of this season.

Love and blessings.