Month: November 2020

Wood Bead Votive Tray

A few weeks ago, on a beautiful warm and sunny fall day, I met a good friend for lunch.

We decided on an upscale hamburger restaurant.

We all sometimes just need a burger and fries!

After lunch, we put on our masks, and went to a sweet gift shop in the same outdoor complex.

Of course, I saw something I wanted!

But the price tag was $46, not at all in my budget.

It was a long tray with wood beads along the sides, filled with different small glass votive candle holders.

You all probably know what happened next, I tried to make it myself.

The fun part of this project was collecting the glass votive pieces.

I managed to find several at the thrift store for 25 to 50 cents each.

Each one unique.

I searched for a long narrow tray everywhere, with no success, until I ran across an old, inexpensive sign in my basement stash.

I turned it over and glued wood beads all around the edge using E6000 glue.

Once the beads dried, I painted the entire piece with white spray paint, several coats.

So very pleased with this project. Perfect for the season.

How beautiful it shines!

All the different glass holders look amazing.

Love this piece displayed with some of the little white houses I have collected over the years.

This is officially my first Christmas project for this year, with many more to follow

Hope you all agree that with using what I have, and spending only $3.00, I now have a beautiful keepsake piece.

Hope you all have a Friday that shines in so many ways!

Blessings, and please be safe.

Fall into Thanksgiving

After working with my Sister on hosting two showers, and decorating for an outdoor wedding, things have calmed down a bit in my life.

All those celebrations turned out wonderful!

Well worth all our hard work, for those we love.

I now had time to add some simple fall touches to my home without breaking the bank, using what I have.

Not many, but just enough to take me into Thanksgiving.

Used the same front door wreath I have had for years. I have found nothing I like better for the season.

As I do every fall, I placed fall branches in my balloon vase, the look is simple and beautiful.

Used the pumpkin pillows I made from placemats in the living room, love them!

See the how to here.

Added some orange to the back porch.

Brought out my oil can jack-o-lantern, see the DIY here.

Placed a few mums and pumpkins on the front porch, and the fall wood sign I purchased at the Country Living Fair in Columbus, several years ago.

It was such a fun and memorable trip with my Sister, a trip that had been on my “bucket list”.

Needed a little something for the dining room table so I used several fall picks, and a $2 thrift store basket, to make a simple fall arrangement.

The old thrift store basket needed to be cleaned and I also decided to darken it a bit with stain.

Gathered some fall picks left over from the outdoor wedding centerpieces.

Turned the basket on its side, and filled it, including a small battery operated candle.

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I love the small candle nestled inside the basket.

It’s just simple, full of fall colors.

Looks like I am ready to fall right into Thanksgiving, and then on to Christmas!

Oh my, Christmas!

Hope you all are enjoying the fall season with all its beauty.

Love you all who take the time to read my blog.

Thank you, with love.

DIY Plant Stand

Every year I take many of my house plants outside on my back porch during the warm months.

We have had frost for many nights now, so I was happy that I had just finished a simple plant stand project.

Using an old drawer from the thrift store, legs purchased on Amazon, craft paint, and a sponge brush.

I removed the handle that was on the drawer, cleaned, sanded, and painted the drawer a lovely yellow.

Unfortunately, I changed my mind on the color and yes, I decided on white!

As you all know, I love white in my home.

Not really sure white is considered a “color”, but it is mine.

I replaced the ugly handle with one more my style.

Attached the legs, which was so easy to do, and this project was completed.

Love it!

It is perfect for my large Hoya plant I have had for many years.

Love the tri-color of this plant, and the pink shades that pop out from time to time.

I have a smaller Hoya plant that I placed in my small greenhouse, a project made from picture frames.

Hoya plants require very little care, just water and a little sun.

Love that I can move the stand from place to place.

Sunny window to sunny window.

If you are a thrift store or flea market shopper, never pass up an old drawer. There are so many projects that can be made using drawers.

Sadly, warm days appear to be coming to an end for this year.

I have already used my heated throw several times and gathered up all my warm socks, it’s time!

Yes, it is that time of the year.

Thanks for stopping by, be healthy, be happy, stay warm!


It Just Takes 10 Minutes!

Something that I love is sending and receiving notes and cards in the mail.

In this tech world I suppose posts and texts are easier, but how special is it, that someone takes a few extra special minutes more to send a greeting.

I feel a card or note is like getting a gift.

A gift written and picked out for just me!

Over the years even Christmas cards from folks are few and far between.

I have a box that keeps all the cards and notes I have received over the years.

The old ones from my Momma and Dad, Sister and Brother, are especially heart warming.

This past week I received a Halloween card from a friend and old co-worker.

Matt, always sends me a card at Halloween and Christmas, always.

He writes a bit on the inside of his cards, this year he wrote….

Love his little pumpkin drawings.

The wannabe art teacher in me gives me a love of card making.

I worked on Halloween cards to send out to a few folks I know would love them, especially Matt.

I spent time picking out special images, and this year I even made my own stickers for the envelopes, what fun!

Hope Matt loved the scary image I picked out for his card.

My friend Matt is fun, enjoys life, shares my love of flea markets, and I miss him.

Hope to see him again one day, but for now cards to each other will have to do.

Why don’t you all take an extra 10 minutes this Christmas, especially in these troubled days, and send cards with special greetings on the inside to all you love.

Love to all.