Month: August 2020

My Old Pine Trunk

Hey folks!

I had an old wood trunk made of pine in my basement.

It has been there for years.

The trunk is well over 30 years old.

Simple, so simple, even down to the wood handles.

I brought it up from the basement, and decided to use it as a small coffee table for our family room.

Not only will it make a perfect table, but it has so much storage for such a small piece.

It was a bit scratched up, but a little sanding, and a new coat of stain, made it like new again.

To add a little extra something, to bring it up-to-date a bit, I added some black wheels!

The wheels came from Amazon.

After everything was completed, the old trunk, now a coffee table, turned out really nice.

Our family room is where we spend most of our time.

It is not a fancy room, just a room to relax, take a quick nap, and just be together.

A simple room, just like my pine trunk.

This room is filled with things I love, especially lots of family photos.

I hold on to things probably too long, but in this case, I am glad I kept this trunk for over 30 years.

See you all for my next post!

Take care, be happy!

DIY Cupcake Stand

Before the Covid 19 shutdown, we were planning a baby shower for my niece Carrie, on March 21st.

Needless to say, it was postponed.

Her sweet baby boy was born on Easter Sunday, and is now 4 months old.

He is beautiful, like his Momma.

So now, me and my sister are planning a gathering in the park for Carrie and Baby Josh.

Having the shower in the park gives us lots of room for social distancing.

We are also busy planning a bridal shower in late September for sister’s granddaughter, my niece Amber.

We are having cupcakes instead of a cake. and I wanted a two tiered stand to hold them.

Could not find one I could afford, so I made one with some wood plaques, and other wood pieces left over from other projects.

I used two different round wood pieces, a chunky leg piece, and some small candle holders for legs.

Painted everything white, and using E6000 glue, assembled the stand.

It’s perfect, and will look so nice on the table.

Another idea is to serve a small cake on the top tier, and cupcakes on the bottom. Giving guests a choice of flavors, white cake, chocolate cupcakes. I like that!

Amber’s bridal shower will have a fall theme and my cupcake stand will look so lovely surrounded by fall colors.

Folks, I never thought at my age I would be having such fun planning showers.

God has truly blessed me, allowing me to be part of the lives of all my nieces.

So thankful.

I will post some photos of each shower.

What fun!

Love to all of you, every single day!