Month: April 2019

Happy Easter

Before this day ends, let me express my hope that you and your family had a blessed Easter.

Our Lord has risen as He said He would.

Our Easter was quiet and peaceful.

Gone are the days of hiding my son’s Easter basket, egg hunts, and choosing just the cutest stuffed bunny I could find for him.

Miss those days so very much, but thankful my little family was together again this year.

I still color eggs and decorate my home a bit for this holiday.

Bunnies everywhere!

A garland of bunnies made with colorful cardstock paper and pom-poms for tails.

Two old wood bunnies, made new again.

This one just needing a new ribbon and a new sign.

This one simply made with a piece of scrapbook paper decoupaged to a wood bunny cutout with Mod Podge. So simple, so lovely!

Jars filled with my son and husband’s favorite treats.

Made with jars from the $1 store and Easter figurines spray painted and glued to the lids with E6000 glue.

Cards were made for my dear sister and brother using old Easter photos. I love them, they are so precious.

I suppose those old Easter days are gone, but my love of creating and decorating for the holidays will always be with me, packed up each year to use again and again.

As we lowered our heads before our dinner, we spoke of realizing our lives have meaning because of our Lord’s Resurrection, we have hope, the hope of eternal life.

Happy Easter my friends.

Peat Pot Easter Baskets

Sharing a simple Easter project today using garden peat pots.

To complete this project you will need any craft paint, a sponge brush, Easter napkins or images, and Mod Podge.

The first step is to apply a coat or two of paint to the pots, depending on the look you want.

I personally like a bit of a distressed look, allowing some of the pot to show through.

The next step is cutting out the images for the pots.

I used some Peter Rabbit Easter napkins I found at TJ Maxx for $2.99, and some images I found online and printed out on tissue paper.

For this project thin paper works best.

Cut out your images leaving as little area around each one as possible.

Apply a coat of Mod Podge to the area on the pot that you want to apply an image, and smooth out with your fingers.

When you have finished applying all the images, apply a coat of Mod Podge over each image to seal.

That’s it!

I added grass to the inside of the pots and a piece of wire for the handles.

Simple is best for me, but you can embellish your pots in many ways, such as adding ribbon.

Now the fun begins, filling the baskets with goodies!

How sweet they are sitting around your home, as gifts, or one placed on each plate at the Easter dinner table.

If you are short of time, just a plain peat pot filled with something special would be so cute too!

Are you ready for a blessed Easter with your family?

Hope you all loved this Easter project, it really is the cutest ever!

See you all next time!

Just Fifteen Minutes to Something Wonderful

On one of my flea market trips, I ran across this porch piece.

It’s a chippy piece with years of white paint layers visible.

I was not sure exactly what I would do with it when I purchased for $6.00, but I so loved the look of it!

One of my wishes in life has always been to have a large front porch.

Sitting there alone at times, reading, surrounded by pots of geraniums or just watching the world go by.

It does not appear that this wish will ever happen. Sad for me!

Love a large porch as a gathering place for family.

Relaxing, talking, sharing, just being together.

Growing up, my parents rented a home with a large front porch. It also had a porch swing. I sat there many afternoons with my first true love. I thought he was gorgeous!

As kids we loved it, our friends would gather, planning our summer days. A magical place.

I wanted this piece to be something I could enjoy every day so when I saw this wood tray for 50% off at Hobby Lobby, I knew it would be a perfect addition to my chunky porch piece.

It took no time at all for me to put this project together.

A bit of sanding to level the top, E6000 glue, measuring to find the center, and that was it! Wonderful!

It now sits on my kitchen table.

I often wonder where the piece came from, what type of home, what type of family lived there. Did they love their porch as I would.

A unique piece, with many uses, but for now sitting on my kitchen table is where it will stay so that I can enjoy and remember.

This will certainly show my age, but do you remember the front porch on the Andy Griffith Show?

Andy sitting with his guitar, and Aunt Bee sewing. Loved it!

Just fifteen minutes to put this project together.

Oh how wonderful it is!

I feel so grateful and blessed today.

Love to all!

DIY Small Bookshelf

Books are always around my favorite chair.

I read a devotional and my bible every day, as well as writing in a journal. There are also notebooks for writing and sketching new project ideas, always a novel, or something inspirational to read.

These favorite things of mine are scattered about, and at times, a bit of a mess on the floor.

I found this crate at the thrift store for $5.00.

You can find new ones at Michael’s for $10.00, sometimes on sale for $8.00. Home Depot also carries, not sure for how much.

The crate was in good shape except for a few very small splits in the wood.

My plan was to paint the crate and add legs.

I chose hairpin legs to lift the crate up off the floor.

Most types of wood legs would also work.

I bought the four legs on Amazon for $16.00.

When completed, the crate was a perfect space for my books.

Love it!

So simple, just spray painted, and added legs.

It also serves as a side table next to my chair, a great spot for my coffee and glasses.

If you are on a budget, two would make inexpensive night tables or side tables next to a sofa.

A project completed in one day!

It’s clean, and stylish too!

A bit of a modern farmhouse look.

Thank you for letting me share this fun project today.

The mess about my favorite chair, gone!

Thank goodness!

Hugs and love, till next time.