Month: March 2019

Momma’s Sewing Box Makeover

March 21st, would have been my sweet Momma’s birthday.

She is resting in heaven now, I miss her every single day.

Thoughts of her were all about me on her birthday, looking at things I have of hers, photos, and so many loving memories.

When she passed, I was blessed to acquire something special of hers, her sewing box.

Nothing expensive about it, that was not Momma.

It was precious to her, it was a gift from one of her sisters.

Anyone who ever visited my Momma’s home saw this sewing box sitting next to her favorite chair, where she would sit at night sewing, always sewing.

Over the years, it had faded and showed signs of age, so I thought a loving makeover was needed.

I wanted the sewing box to reflect the beautiful person my Momma was, inside and out.

As I emptied the box to clean, I so enjoyed holding and looking at her things, her scissors, so many different needles, spools of thread, balls of yarn, small sewing projects she left behind, even a pair of her glasses.

I spray painted the box with several coats of Rustoleum, “white linen”, chalk paint.

I added a piece of vintage look paper to the inside lid, and also one of my favorite photos of Momma.

Love the way the sewing box looks now, so bright, so clean, beautiful inside and out, just like my Momma.

Her sewing box sits on my dresser, I enjoy looking at it, opening it to see her lovely young photo, and using it.

I really think Momma would like the makeover. I sure hope so!

Every step was done with love.

Blessings to each of you on this Sunday.

Always a Bit of Green

How proud my husband is to be Irish.

His grandparents came to Ellis Island from County Galway, Ireland, many years ago.

They were wonderful, God loving, hard working, love of family folks, raising six children.

He was fortunate enough to grow up in the same neighborhood as his grandparents and often speaks of them.

He fondly remembers his grandmother, walking to church most mornings, and how safe he felt having his grandfather close to him.

His grandfather, his uncle, and his dad, all worked for the railroad, all of their lives.

So, every year around St Patrick’s Day, I add a bit of green to our home to honor his heritage.

This year I made a really cute shamrock banner that I would like to share.

I used copies of an Irish map for the background, found online, and printed out on my home computer.

The next step was cutting out 4 hearts, and gluing each one to the map piece to form a shamrock.

Finished up by punching holes and stringing the banner with jute.

Love it, and so did my Irish husband.

Of course, green treats with our coffee.

Happy St. Pat’s Day to all.

I hope you find a rainbow, and at the end of it, not gold, but lots and lots of love.

Irish blessings till next time.


Yesterday, I made a small clock for my desk.

It was a crazy fun project.

Made with a can and a jar lid.

How cute was the outcome!

The only cost was the price of the clock’s working parts.

With my 40% off coupon at Michael’s, only $4.00.

Cleaned the can thoroughly, and drilled a hole for the clock hands.

Spray painted the can with several coats of white.

The jar lid was used as the base. I spray painted the lid with my favorite gold to match the color of the clock hands.

The last step was the assembly. So easy!

I really wanted a unique little clock to place in this area of my home, a place where I love to sit and write, surrounded by favorite things of mine.

It is a lovely spot, with lots of light, and three windows facing my backyard.

I love the tick-tock, tick-tock sound, especially in the mornings, when it is quiet before others are up and about.

Hope you enjoyed this crazy fun project.

Have a crazy fun day!

Love to all!