Month: February 2019

Boxes Filled With Love and Kisses

As a little girl, I always loved those large lovely heart-shaped Valentine boxes, filled with chocolates. Not so much for the chocolates, but just to have one of those boxes for my very own.

I would imagine all the sweet things I might keep in one.

Found these paper mache boxes at Michael’s, $2.50 for four. I thought what fun to paint them with the colors of Valentine’s Day.

I also found some small knobs that fit perfectly on the top of each one of the boxes.

Filled some with chocolate kisses, but the one I especially like is the one I filled with small, wallet size photos. Photos of those I will always love. Always.

The larger white box, filled with photos, is a Valentine’s gift to myself.

It now sits on a table in my living room.

Every time I dust, I open it, sit a minute, and just look at those special loving faces that have filled my life.

The box itself is a gift!

Would be cute on each plate at Valentine’ s Day dinner, or a really sweet box for a small gift. No wrapping needed.

Thanks for stopping by, I love you all so much!

Wishing all love and kisses!

Just a Kid Again…Making Valentines

Saturday morning, with a throw wrapped around me, I sat at my kitchen table surrounded by old photos, colorful paper and envelopes, scissors, and fun stickers, remembering days so very, very long ago, when I made valentines.

With love in my heart I created simple cards for those who bring love into my life.

As I completed each one, I imagined a smile on their faces when they receive them.

Simply made by printing out old photos, and adding fun stickers.

So easy and inexpensive, yet so special because of the time and love I put into each one.

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for sweethearts, it is a day to let those you love know it!

After I completed my cards, I took a pack of $1 store white paper doilies, some yarn from my Momma’s sewing box, and made a simple banner. So very sweet hanging across my dining room cabinet.

Friends and family, watch your mailboxes, a smile and lots of love from me is headed your way!

Blessings and hugs!

We Met at the Thrift Store

While browsing down the last aisle of the thrift store, we met.

Although he seemed tired and worn out, he had the most wonderful face.

Love at first sight!

He was missing an arm, wearing a dirty scarf, and an old rusted hat.

I could not resist, he went home with me that day!

Cleaned my new friend, sanded his dirty rough spots, gave him two new arms, a new scarf, a bit of paint for his hat, he was almost new!

I filled the old rusted can he was carrying, with winter greenery.

My new friend sits on a bench next to my kitchen door watching for signs of spring.

Love my $4.00 fence post snowman!

So happy we met in the last aisle on that day.

What fun!

A primitive treasure to be displayed in my home for many winters to come.

Life is amazing, we never know what wonderful things or people might come into our lives on any given day.

Love you all and everything wonderful in my life!

DIY Snow Covered Pine Cones

Yes, it has been a while!

Months have passed, not even a single post during Christmas.

My life had been turned upside down.

Needles, bruised arms, tests, and waiting. Waiting for results.

Life slowed down, avoiding stress, no heavy lifting, and no exercise!

Life was all about faith, and hope, and love.

Things are better now, tests came back good, my life has settled.

During this time, I fell back on one of the things that always calms me, being creative.

Today I want to share a very simple DIY to add some winter magic to you home.

These DIY snow covered pine cones are a wonderful winter decor idea.

Just a few supplies are needed, pine cones, a brush, Mod Podge, and Morton’s coarse Kosher salt.

Simply brush or dab the Mod Podge on the pine cones, and sprinkle with the salt, allow to dry, that’s it!

After the pine cones have dried, shake off all the excess salt.

So simple.

Add some greenery, place in your favorite container, mine is a large wood bowl I keep on my kitchen table.

I added a pine cone with a bit of greenery and ribbon to a lantern, for another way to use during winter.

Plenty of wintertime left, time to display these pine cones in your home until we see signs of spring.

Spring sounds wonderful, sun, and warmth, and flowers once again!

Thanks for stopping by, love to all today, until next time.