All is quiet now.

My life has been touched by His peace.

So very thankful.

My month of pain has ended.

For over a month, I suffered from horrible headaches, from morning to night.

I prayed.  I prayed and asked for help.

When I realized that things were not normal, this pain, day after day, I knew I needed help.

It was the loving encouragement from my sister and brother, and that real feeling of someone tapping me on my shoulder as I sat reading that saved me.

I went to see a doctor for the first time in over thirty years.

My life spared from potential disaster.

Things are better, and with His love, I will hopefully heal and repair the damage I have done to myself over time.

Joy has returned to this life of mine!

Never will I take another day for granted.

No more feeling sorry for myself, no more constantly thinking I am not loved.

That tap on my shoulder on that cold, pain filled evening, let me know He is always with me, and loves me.

Looking forward to our simple Thanksgiving Day, me, my son, and my husband, filled with overwhelming thankfulness.

He touched my life with peace, and joy!

I wish all a blessed Thanksgiving.

Enjoy and appreciate all that you have on this day, the warmth of a home, food, the love of family, and the love of our Lord, who never leaves us.