Month: July 2018

She Loved to Wear Earrings

A week or so ago I had lunch with my sister, something we do together quite often.

Just the two of us, we talked, we laughed, and that day there were a few tears.

I love her so.

Before leaving, she gave me a small box, old, torn, held together with a rubber band.

As she handed the box to me she said, “I thought you would like to have these”.

Inside the box, our Momma’s earrings.

Momma loved to wear earrings, matching them with whatever outfit she was wearing on any given day.

No gold, no diamonds, nothing expensive, just her gathering of costume jewelry earrings.

I opened the box and ran my hand across the contents several times that day, closing my eyes almost seeing Momma wearing many of them.

Some are vintage, all so beautiful to me in so many ways.

I immediately knew they did not belong in a box buried someplace in a dresser drawer.

Carefully, I placed them in a clear jar and set the jar on my desk.  A quiet area where I sit and work many times throughout the day.

The sun shines in on my desk area, oh how the earrings sparkle!  Just like Momma when she wore her earrings!

My son commented that he remembered Grandma wearing so many of them!

I am sure all his cousins would say the same thing.

So very sad she is not sitting at my desk next to me.

I thank my sister for this gift, and the many days of joy I will get out of just looking at this jar of memories.

For now, a place on my desk, close to my favorite photo of me and Momma.

Just like photos, I believe in displaying keepsakes, I want them all around me so I will never forget those special times, and folks I love!





Red, White, and Blue Memories

Last week we spent our 4th of July, as we do most days, just simple and quiet.

Our fireworks were sparklers!

Of course, a bit of decorations.

Some may find it foolish, but it is something I like to do!

That’s just me!

My son helped me grill some burgers, corn in the husks, and some ice cold watermelon.

He asked me if I remembered the neighborhood bike parades we had on the 4th, as he was growing up.

Of course I do, fun for him to use balloons, crepe paper, streamers, anything red, white, and blue to decorate his bike.

When we purchased our home in 1978 our neighborhood was full of families, many children for my son to grow up with, so thankful, since he was an only child.

We had wonderful backyard cookouts, moms in charge of the food, and dads in charge of the fireworks.

Things changed as the years passed, many families moving on, children grown and off to school.

Our neighborhood is mostly filled with older folks now, many living alone.

We have new neighbors in the house next to ours, moving in within the past month.

A young family with two beautiful little girls, and a sweet dog who runs around the yard with a full size stuffed animal in his mouth.  Many times he brings the toy over to the fence for us to see, so very cute!

When we are sitting on our back porch it brings us joy to see them all together.

Much of our 4th was enjoying this family in their pool, the dog too!  He loves to get in the pool!

I realize that our 4th celebrations of years ago, are no longer.

That “season” of my life has passed, but oh how I thank our Lord for the memories!

Happy summer memories and love to all today.




Thrift Store Finds – Loved Again!

Last week, I worked on three small thrift store items, brought home to “relove”.

A beat up tin rooster, a wire basket, and a metal bulletin board.

Cleaned, scrubbed, spray painted, done!

The tin rooster was missing a wing, and could no longer stand up, but he caught my eye just the same!

A bit of cleaning, glue, and matte black spray paint, was all needed to love this tin rooster, and to find a special spot for him in my kitchen.

He is standing tall again, with that “farmhouse” look perfect for my simple kitchen.

The boring wire basket, just needed to be brighten up, and the metal bulletin board, in almost new condition, just needed to be cleaned.

Two coats of my favorite gold spray paint, Rust-Oleum metallic gold, really transformed the wire basket from dull to bright.

The basket is a great addition to the desk area in my spare bedroom.  Perfect to hold extra pillows or throws, or maybe another place to hold my many books.

I love beautiful books, they are one of the joys in my life.

The metal bulletin board caught my eye because of the really sweet scalloped, eyelet trim.

So cute!

Found a spot for the board above my Mom’s old rocking chair, displaying family photos, she would like that!

Displaying photos, another joy for me.

I am all about enjoying photos, using them whenever posssible, framing and placing around my home, or using them in any event or project.

Pleased with all my items, worth the total cost of $5!

Three items, found and loved, by me!

Happy day!