Today I want to share a unique gardening project.

Planting flowers in a burlap bag and placing the bag across tree branches.

I have many large trees in my backyard, which provide shade, and gives our yard a park like feel.  Some folks don’t like trees but we really love ours.

Take a look at my burlap bag across one of the tree branches in my yard.

Burlap Flower Bags!

It is really lovely, don’t you think?

This is a simple to do project taking only a couple hours to complete.

Supplies needed:

Burlap  –  Decide the size you want your bag to be depending on the size of the tree limb and how far you want the bag to hang from the limb on both sides.  My bag was 24″ when completed.

1 large bag of potting soil

Flowers of your choice

That’s it!

I had a roll of burlap which I had purchased at Michael’s for another project so I just used what I had.  It worked great since the edges were finished, but you can buy yards of burlap at Wal-Mart or any fabric store.

Burlap Flower Bags!  I simply folded the burlap over 26″ inches on each side.

Burlap Flower Bags!

Sew up one side, and then the other, leaving the top open to fill with the potting soil.

I have a friend who has done this, not sewing, but using hot glue.  It worked well for the entire growing season.  If you are not a sewing person, try the glue way.

Once the soil is placed inside the bag, sew the opening shut.

Burlap Flower Bags!  You now have a burlap pillow filled with soil.

Next, just cut slits in the bag large enough to plant the flowers in the bag. You will need to move the soil and play with it to secure the plant.

Burlap Flower Bags!

Water thoroughly, and also fertilize time to time during the growing season.

Burlap Flower Bags!

I used impatients since they like shade, and I also planted a vinca vine here and there to trail down the bag and the tree.

You can use most any plants that you like.  I have used small ivy geraniums, and trailing type petunias for branches that get some sun.

Try this, I think you will be pleased at the way it looks in yours trees, and the color it adds to your yard too!

Burlap Flower Bags!  Enjoy this project, enjoy being outside, and love your life everyday.

Remember each day is a gift from God.

See ya!


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